astonished to see them, but soon they learned to accept them.....................To survive on Earth Prince Larry needed to work. He trained to become a police man and he became one. As a police man he roamed the streets of the big city on his dashing motorcycle.............. "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be and will be used against you," Prince Larry uttered arresting a man who tried to rob a bank. "Okay I gave up," the man just uttered looking up at the big robot in front of him. Prince Larry then handcuffed him and brought him to the Police Station where the government had assigned him..........With a decent job Prince Larry and Gweneth got married......As a husband and wife, Prince Larry and Gweneth mingled with humans. They were treated like humans and were given the same rights and privileges. They were allowed to buy real estate properties and were allowed to drive a car. They also rode public utility vehicles, like trains, buses, jeeps, and others. They participated in human gatherings and activities. They were allowed to speak their opinions and vote...............Prince Larry and Gweneth gave birth to handsome and beautiful silver robot kids.................. In their dining room, the beautiful robot young girl lead the prayer. "Amen..." little Jill uttered ending her prayer. They then started eating. "This fried chicken is crunchy man, it tastes really good," Julian said eating the delicious fried chicken. Jill smiled at his brother and drank her milk. Prince Larry then placed his arm on his wife's shoulder. "We have beautiful children Gweneth," Prince Larry said looking at his two children. "Yeah we do," Gweneth replied smiling at their children and him. Gweneth always bought her children milk and fresh meats so they'll grow up strong and healthy...........Julian and Gweneth went to the same school. They attended school early and listened seriously at their teachers. They became good students and had good friends. They were both their teachers favorite.............. Their planet was attacked and lost. A general, his friend, came to fetch him for help. He did but he was captured. The robot kid who grew up to be a tall and handsome robot lawyer went to their planet. Rigor joined the remaining soldiers in fighting their alien enemies. He met a beautiful robot lady. He fell in love with her and she to him............. He fought the enemies and won the battle.........